It’s a little after midnight. Wedding day is here.
It seems like only yesterday when I dropped onto one knee and asked Jessica to marry me — the last 16 months went by in a blur. The past three days have been equally wonderful, starting on Thursday when family started to arrive in town. On Friday, our most immediate family came together with my sister’s husband’s family and we enjoyed a very spirited Shabbat dinner.
And yesterday began with Shabbat services at Temple Reyim and included an immensely-meaningful Aufruf for Jessica and me, with everyone in our families present participating in some fashion in the service. I just got back from a wonderful out-of-towners “rehearsal” dinner with Jessica and my extended family.
I’m watching Papi play while I enjoy some hot tea. In a few minutes I will go to bed, already knowing that August 19 is here. As it is Rosh Chodesh, the start of the Jewish month (Elul) neither Jessica nor I are required to fast from sunrise until after the wedding ceremony. However, I will go back to Temple Reyim at 9:00am for morning services (Shacharit) as my wedding day is the holiest day of my entire life and I will do as much as I can to make the day more meaningful to me.
But that’s it — everything is ready. All of i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed. In fact, there was one remaining outstanding item on our to-do list which serendipitously completed itself yesterday and I can cross that last item off my to do list as well. If you read this, ask what it was and we’ll show you!
To all of our friends and family, thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. It means so much to us that you are able to come and join with us on this very special day, and for those of you who are not here I hope you know that you are very much in our thoughts. We love you all.
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