Fit Friday

Today I went to the gym and I did a half an hour of leg extensions, leg curls, leg pressing, hip addiction, hip abduction, chest pressing, rowing, back extension, bicep curl, tricep extension, rear deltoid and a half an hour on the stair master (walking 92 floors). I worked out less today since I put in 24 miles of running this week and I worked out a total of 4 days this week.

I have been trying to watch my weight and what I eat. The same issues effect cancer patients. Today’s question is related to nutrition. What are some practical nutritional goals someone with cancer can set for the New Year?

The key to making a New Year’s resolution is choosing one that is achievable. Drastic lifestyle changes are rarely sustainable and will likely lead to disappointment. For example, a regular coffee drinker will likely fail if their resolution is to never drink coffee again. A better goal would be to limit coffee to one small cup a day or a few times each week and then adjust the goal over time. While you want to allow yourself some flexibility, the best goals are usually measurable. Here are some practical nutrition goals for someone with cancer:

  • Consume a green vegetable at least five times each week.
  • Eat five different fruits and vegetables each week to get a variety of nutrients.
  • Try one new fruit or vegetable every month.
  • Only eat out once a week and make all other meals at home.
  • Eat half of your grains whole, like whole wheat bread/tortillas, brown rice and quinoa.
  • Eat a superfood once a day.
  • Only eat red meat two times per week.

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