You Only Get One

For couples like us, who set a wedding date more than 1 year away (but less than 2), it brings up a fascinating proposition: the negative anniversary, or the “negaversary” as I’m calling it.  God-willing, Jess and I will have more than 50 years of anniversaries but we will only have 1 negaversary.  Oh the possibilities.

A few months ago, I pondered the possibility of making August 19, 2011 into backwards-day. She takes me out to dinner, or I give Jess an empty box of chocolates, or she gives me dead flowers. The ridiculous possibilities are endless.

But I’ll have none of that nonsense. We have a great weekend planned with nothing negative about it at all!

Our engagement (over a year) is considered long by some but it has its advantages. In addition to dealing with the necessities of planning our wedding, it gives us time to focus on some of the finer details. Details may not be a big part of some weddings when there is less time to plan, but there are so many facets to the planning process that we cannot begin to work on until next year.  In the meantime we can focus our efforts on the finer details that are definitely surprises for our guests yet make the day more significant to us.

1 year to go — 366 days to be exact, since 2012 is a leap-year.  L’shana Haba’ah b’Cambridge!

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