Today is 16 days until the Boston Marathon! I am in full taper mode and I am putting in 10.4 miles on the arc trainer at the gym. Next weekend is my last group run before the marathon and my Paint Nite fundraiser event in Hartford, CT. I am feeling great and nothing will stop me now!
Two days before the marathon I am running the BAA 5K. It is one of three races of the BAA Medley. The other races are a BAA10K in June and Half Marathon in October.
The BAA5K will be another special race for me besides the marathon because I will be running it with a few current DFMC teammates and a former DFMC teammate. One of these individuals has been battling thymic carcinoma since last year’s Boston Marathon and has undergo multiple chemo treatments. She has an amazing outlook on life and she will never give up. Last year she ran 6 miles of the marathon while undergoing chemo and this year she will be running the BAA5K and I will run it with her. She has been an inspiration to me and others and always has a smile on her face when things get tough and provides inspiring words to everyone around her. I will be dedicating my BAA5K run to her and will be adding a cancer ribbon with her name on it to the back of my singlet in her honor for the marathon. Thank you for always having a positive outlook on life and your words of encouragement have been helping me persevere when times get tough during my training. Love you!