Weight Wednesday

Today is Weight Wednesday. I focused today on doing lat pull downs, rows, pull ups, and chest presses. The purpose for me to do weight lifting is it helps runners like me to get the strength I need to run faster and build more endurance.

Cancer patients use weight training as an outlet to be positive and find an escape from all of their treatments. Plus, this helps them increase muscle mass while going through treatment.

Below is more information I found about positive reasons to work out while battling cancer:

  • Reduces the risk of certain cancers
  • Enhances the therapeutic effects of radiation and pharmaceutical treatments by increasing tolerance, reducing side effects, and lowering risk of chronic diseases, even those not aggravated by cancer treatment
  • Regular exercise after diagnosis can increase survival by 50-60% with the strongest evidence currently for breast and colorectal cancers
  • Moderate exercise boosts the immune system, which may help in the fight against cancer
  • Muscle-building exercise can help ameliorate the weight and muscle loss that often accompanies various cancers, and to which treatment may contribute
  • Physical activity can improve your mood, which is important in the treatment and recovery phase

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